Senior Pet Adoption

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Lori Fusaro is a photographer who specializes in pet photography ( Fusaro never saw herself as someone who would adopt an older dog, but life dramatically changed when her passion for finding families for older dogs grew. Now, she not only adopts older animals, she is on a mission to encourage others to join her in promoting senior pet adoption.

Fusaro started a Kickstarter campaign to publish a book of senior pet portraits in her pursuit of changing our culture’s view of older dogs. She stated, “I always come back to the idea that no dog should have to die alone. Even if [the dogs get] just two months of joyous, happy life, it’s worth it for my heartbreak.”

Here is a powerful interview with Lori, advocating for the adoption of senior dogs:

We, at Pet Butler, love all dogs (and agree with Lori) that no dog should have to die alone!

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