Wellness Guide
Welcome to our Pet Wellness Guide! Our in-house clinical consultant, Dr. Lisa has been working with Pet Butler® to help keep pet owners up to date on the latest pet wellness news!

Pet Wellness Categories

Dog Days of Summer: Keeping Your Dog Cool in the Summer Heat
Hot town, summer in the city. We’ve rolled right into high-degree days, bypassing the comfortable…

How Lyme Disease Affects Dogs: Symptoms and Causes
We’ve previously talked about the presence of fleas and ticks in the environment, and both…

What You Should Include In Your Pet’s First Aid Kit
It’s 7 pm on a Sunday evening and you walked into the kitchen just as…

Dog Breeds Original Jobs & What They Were Meant To Do!
In my lifetime, I have owned 5 dogs. Who am I kidding? They have really…

Poisonous Plants to Dogs – Avoid Toxic Flowers in the Garden
With spring weather finally cooperating and hitting warmer temperatures throughout the United States, it’s time…

Allergy Season: Symptoms and Treatment for Allergies in Dogs!
Just as airborne allergies are common in people, manifesting as itchy eyes, sneezing, and congestion,…

Dog vs Yard: Digging Holes, Plant Eating, and Lawn Burn!
Many pet owners are frustrated when, despite countless hours of fertilizing, weeding, and seeding, their…

Protect Your Dog From Fleas & Ticks This Season
Fleas and ticks unfortunately find their forever homes on dogs. With the proper precautions, you…

What Is My Dog Trying To Tell Me? Understanding Dog Body Language
It’s not all that challenging to determine what your dog is trying to tell you…

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